EMl’s Excellent experts
To help develop Edinburgh Music Lovers to its full potential, an Advisory Panel of experts in specialist areas kindly lend their time, ideas and support.
There isn’t much Pete doesn’t know about promoting music events, festivals and Edinburgh. The co-founder of Regular Music and director of Unique events has kindly been a mentor from the early days when EML was just in the idea stage.
Jane is a Professor in Festival and Event Management at Edinburgh Napier University. She’s a massive music lover, gig-goer and also an expert in wellness tourism and destination development.
As programmer of The Usher Hall, Assembly Rooms, Ross Bandstand and Churchill Theatre, James plays a key role in Edinburgh’s music scene. He’s also a director of the Scottish Music Industry Association and was a senior promoter for several years.
The Founder and Director of creative consultancy CreateFuture UK is a mentor and sounding board for EML. An enthusiastically amateur DJ, Nathan has advised brands like adidas and EML is so lucky to have him on board.
Kylie is the entrepreneur who founded the phenomenon that is EGG, formerly Edinburgh Gossip Girls. Starting with a Facebook Group, Kylie has developed an incredible community and business.
Neil developed a career in live event promotion starting at Assembly Theatre, then at Glasgow’s Arches. In the 2000s, he co-programmed and directed Triptych, the amazing multi-venue festival. He has since headed up brand marketing on Tennent’s Lager, Irn-Bru and is currently UK Marketing Director of Ian Macleod Distillers, who own Edinburgh Gin.